Yesterday was not my day. Who hasn't had those days that start out OK but seem to go downhill fast and have a quick fiery death? You know those moments when it feels like every step you take is wrong which in turn puts you in a bad mood that you then spread to your family and those unfortunate enough to be around you. Those Bitch on Wheels days when you seem to hate the world and every person in it (no not really, but you feel like it.)
I consider myself a pretty positive person. I work hard and try to be considerate of others who cross my path. It is about the energy good or bad. Like a poison, one small negative act can snowball into something that holds us down making us doubt and question ourselves. It’s like rolling a little snowball down a hill of snow, it’s going to keep picking up more and more snow as it goes rolling faster and faster eventually becoming something big which isn’t what we wanted or intended.
Yes, yesterday was one of those super negative days for me. They don’t happen often, and as a rule I generally will stay away from people who are super negative. Occasionally life will bite us all right in the ass when we aren’t looking.
I mention this because we have all felt this way and sure we all get over it or work it out in some form or other. It isn’t in my nature to start a fight, but if you bring it I will finish it. Especially if it pertains to my privacy or something that just isn’t anyone else’s business. What I try to hold onto though when these moments happen are the positives. Negativity, hurtful words, or just plain old meanness can only harm you if you let it. When you give in to anger or hurt you give it power over you. You let the poison of the moment stay with you.
Why would anyone want that? I know I sure don’t. So next time you’re having one of those days from hell that make you either want to cry or hit someone really hard remember it will pass and then you will be left feeling stupid for the things you may have said or done. Secondly your better than that!Don’t give your power away you control you. So if it means walking away and beating the snot out of your pillow give it a go!

Yes, yesterday was one of those super negative days for me. They don’t happen often, and as a rule I generally will stay away from people who are super negative. Occasionally life will bite us all right in the ass when we aren’t looking.