Being so close to Christmas, we all are scrambling to take care of purchasing gifts for family and friends. One area you can save some money is by giving cookies or something else you have made yourself. I will often give teachers or co workers Jelly, bread, applesauce or my husbands special cranberry sauce that we have canned. Most people appreciate it because they don't have the time to do it themselves.
Many of us really do feel the financial pinch during this time of the year, & that is understandable. We want to give to our kids, & families and let them enjoy Christmas. One thing we have learned is to set a cap when buying for our kids. One it keeps it fair when you have more then one kid and two you don’t go crazy and over spend.
Another trick is to take a break and wrap what you have already. Make a list of whom you still need to buy for, so you're not buying multi gifts. Christmas for many has become more about the gifts than the spirit of Christmas, for me that's kind of sad, but I know its pretty normal today. I can remember as a child my aunt would give us each a small box of chocolates. It only had about four chocolate in it, but it was special because it wasn’t something we got year round. I’ve tried to continue the tradition in our family with my own kids and grandkids. The older ones look for it, and the younger ones know they're getting something they don't always get. I know its something little but its a great idea for school gifts that are rather inexpensive yet still a nice way to say thank you.
No one want to be the scrooge and take the fun out of Christmas, but this year when you're out running around make a plan and try to stick to it. If you see something that isn’t on your list, really think about it before you impulsively buy it. As parents, we need to set a good example for our kids especially when it comes to spending.
Far to many of us have at one time or another "and I do include myself in this" gone overboard at Christmas. Your kids ultimately want your time. Sure they want gifts from Santa but remember if you set that bar to high on how much you need to spend your not doing your kids any favors. Most toys, games and items they don't need wind up gathering dust in the closet.
No, here’s the hard tip for me to follow, but I am going to give it my best this year. Don't over cook. I know no one want the embarrassment of not having enough food at Christmas when family and friend get together but plan out your menu and stay with it. I will upload some of our favorite recipes for those leftovers that I’ve found.
I know once the dust has cleared my kids just really want my time, so plan some easy things to do while your kids are on break.. Go to the library get a couple of movies and have a movie marathon at home. Your kids will love the time you're spending with them, and it will mean more than you think. Make a project out of making cookies and include them. Or play card.
Oh and one final thought include others. Christmas is about the giving, and inclusion we can extend to others who may be having a hard time this year. You have made someone’s day and remembered the Christmas spirit that is in all of us.
Many of us really do feel the financial pinch during this time of the year, & that is understandable. We want to give to our kids, & families and let them enjoy Christmas. One thing we have learned is to set a cap when buying for our kids. One it keeps it fair when you have more then one kid and two you don’t go crazy and over spend.

No one want to be the scrooge and take the fun out of Christmas, but this year when you're out running around make a plan and try to stick to it. If you see something that isn’t on your list, really think about it before you impulsively buy it. As parents, we need to set a good example for our kids especially when it comes to spending.
No, here’s the hard tip for me to follow, but I am going to give it my best this year. Don't over cook. I know no one want the embarrassment of not having enough food at Christmas when family and friend get together but plan out your menu and stay with it. I will upload some of our favorite recipes for those leftovers that I’ve found.
I know once the dust has cleared my kids just really want my time, so plan some easy things to do while your kids are on break.. Go to the library get a couple of movies and have a movie marathon at home. Your kids will love the time you're spending with them, and it will mean more than you think. Make a project out of making cookies and include them. Or play card.
Oh and one final thought include others. Christmas is about the giving, and inclusion we can extend to others who may be having a hard time this year. You have made someone’s day and remembered the Christmas spirit that is in all of us.
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